Midwest Gospel Ministries
A group of Non-Profit Christ-Centered Ministries

Pastor Paul Brown Founder's Bio:
I was born and raised in Mitchell County, Iowa and have lived in that county for all but about 2 months of my life. I grew up on a farm and worked for over 60 employers (that I can remember) in my lifetime. Many of those employers were farmers who needed seasonal help. Then God called me to be a pastor. He had been calling me for a long time as I had taken some Seminary classes right after high school, but I had been busy running the other way until one of the elderly ladies in the congregation encouraged me to stop running and follow God’s lead. After my first wife passed away, I was very lonely.
There was a posse of local women chasing me but none of them felt right. After nearly 2 years, I finally went on an internet dating site and found Karen. We were married 8 weeks after my first email… time was a-wasting and we had a ministry to start together. Less than a month later we began Midwest Cowboy Ministries, a Bluegrass and Country Gospel Band and Cowboy Church ministry. In 2016 I retired from being a full time pastor and began to hold services in a nursing home until COVID 19 closed that door. In the meantime, I love singing for God and serving Him in whatever ways He calls me to serve.
Life Verses: John 3:1-16
Karen Hahn-Brown Founder's Bio:
I was born and raised on a Dairy Farm in South-Central Wisconsin. My sister taught me to play guitar and sing harmony. At age 15. I joined a local Country Gospel music group called the Valleytones. For 20 years, I played bass and sang High Tenor in that group. I have been a Registered Nurse since 1986, but I'm retired now. Having met and married Paul, I moved to Iowa in 2014. I love serving God. If I can't serve Him for a period of time, I feel like I'm suffocating and I find some new way to serve Him.
Leaving a legacy to my 2 beautiful daughters and 3 granddaughters is very important to me. Having lived over half a century, I fully appreciate the wisdom gained through life experiences (i.e. Mistakes!) and realize how much I still need to learn... value that wisdom highly... hope to share it with others and help them along the way. I continued my college education by studying Biblical Counseling to both help myself and so I could help others along the way. I don't counsel as a business, only for a few people as the Holy Spirit leads me. My past experiences are why I am so determined to fully surrender my life to God’s will for me now.
I'm still learning to surrender my life to God. Surrendering goes much further than committing my life to God. Surrendering is giving up ALL my control... a very difficult thing to do… to die to self and self-control daily!!! But I believe that the rewards will be worth it, both here and in heaven. God has gotten me through some awful times in my life when the only joy I felt was in church or while praising Him in song. So, when I sing, I choose to sing gospel music. I hope to bring more of that into the Osage area and into Midwest.
Life Verses: Deuteronomy 30:15-20